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LED, HID, Fluorescent Lighting for Multi-Unit Residential & Hospitality

Lumencia Lighting specifically provides collections for customers whom specialize in lighting packages for apartment, condo, townhouse, college dormitory, or assisted living facility projects. Lumencia sells through its network of authorized Lumencia Lighting Manufacturers Representatives throughout the United States. By specializing in these commodity “buy-in-bulk” and multiple quantity fixtures used in multi-unit projects, Lumencia Lighting provides a wider breadth and depth of inventories, design options and quick deliveries. Above all, we offer the most competitive pricing levels and professional customer service in the building market today. Nobody is better equipped to supply your multi-unit lighting project and drive your success.


ALESCO | Advantage Lighting & Energy Solutions™

115 Cone St. | Statesboro, GA 30458

P: 912-489-5471

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